BTI research revealed the law firms best at client service — as ranked by clients — started with the focus on serving their clients’ needs. We followed later with recognizing the 293 attorneys clients single out for delivering the absolute best client service — and 5 reasons why they stand above the rest.
We also found clients are embracing cross-selling after years of resistance. Law firm leaders show little concern for a recession — the same with associates. And finally, we shared the top strategies loved by rainmakers, which will become more important as clients are set to job-hop like never before.
Clients Single Out Law Firms Delivering the Best Client Service — By Name
Our clients — both law firms and corporate counsel — asked us to find a way to give more recognition to the smaller and midsized firms delivering superior client service. We are excited to introduce the BTI Client Service 200 — the top 200 firms in client service. →
Client Single Out 293 Attorneys Delivering the Absolute Best Client Service
Top legal decision makers identify the attorneys delivering the absolute best client service. We ask the questions and clients provide the answers with no prompts, suggestions, or submissions — completely organic. But even that’s not enough. Meet the BTI Client Service All-Stars 2023. →
The 60 Law Firms Improving Their Client Service More than Others
Improving was far from easy. Against a swirling tide with unpredictable surges, these 60 law firms not only successfully navigate the waters — they gained substantial ground. They are outpacing others in the race to swim upstream. Please join me in congratulating the 60 firms improving in the face of a swirling set of new client demands. →
5 New Traits of the BTI Client Service All-Stars
So many attorneys see the deluge of changing regulations and new client needs as a head wind — slowing them down — the BTI Client Service All-Stars see these events as a tail wind. Another chance to move out in front. Top legal decision makers point to these 5 traits driving the BTI Client Service All-Star performance: →
Clients Embrace Cross-Selling
Clients are up to their eyeballs with new and existing work. They continue to experience surges in needs across a broad range of fronts. They are working with more than 2x more law firms than 3 years ago — and 1/3 don’t know who their relationship partner is. Outside counsel takes up too much time and money and impedes progress. →
3 Unsaid Strategies Loved By Rainmakers
Creating recurring inbound leads is a skill. Master this skill and you will control your career and opportunities — and make rain. Rainmakers all have their favorite strategies and tactics. I want to focus on three you can learn and adopt now. These are: →
Why Recession Ranks 6th on Associate’s Top Concerns
In a combined telephone/online survey — we analyzed more than 1,000 responses from associates. The question we posed: “What keeps you up at night?” The recession ranks a distant 6th — limited mostly to associates working in corporate. With few concerns about the recession — the top causes of associate insomnia are: →
New Survey: Recession Ranks 3rd in Law Firm Leaders’ Top Concerns
Recession almost pales as law firm leaders’ top concern. We asked more than 250 law firm leaders what keeps them up at night. 6 concerns emerged, but 2 jump out as the most dominant sources causing sleepless nights: →
5 Reasons Clients Are About to Job Hop Like Never Before — and Won’t Bring Their Law Firms With Them
More than ½ of corporate counsel are poised to jump ship. While about 37% of corporate counsel are thrilled with their jobs — almost 2/3 are not. These less-than-thrilled in-house attorneys are either passively or actively looking. Credit 5 primary reasons for the new-found interest in changing jobs: →
The Latest Law Firm Client Service Performances Hit a New 22 Year Record
Client service skyrocketed during the pandemic, peaking with 69.9% of clients recommending their top law firms from 40% the previous year. Fast forward 2 years and this same measure — we call Clientopia — dropped to 49.9%. This is the biggest 2-year drop in our 22 years of conducting the survey. 4 big reasons stand out: →
11 Tactics Driving the Best Client Service
Deliberate client service beats all other approaches to client service. Combining the best-known practices with the right tools, training, and activities drives excellent client service. Here are the 11 strategies and tactics top-performing law firms are embracing: →
Best in the market ahead –
The Mad Clientist
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