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Law Firm LeadersSurvey

With valuable input from over 200 Law Firm Leaders, internationally recognized consultant Patrick J. McKenna of McKenna Associates Inc. and Michael B. Rynowecer, President of The BTI Consulting Group share the results of our innovative surveys. With up-to-date and useful information on topics ranging from your most important priorities to talent pressures and firm risks your peers are also confronting.

Authoritative, innovative, and practical advice from our research for Law Firm leaders:

Helping NEW Firm Leaders Face Their Reality

Knowing what you know now, if you could go back to the very beginning of your term when you first accepted the responsibility of being a Leader, what might you have done differently? Perhaps phrased another way: If you were to have to counsel your successor when that individual becomes ready to assume your responsibilities, what guidance would you provide?

We now proudly share with you the results of what we were told, what we learned, together with some observations we garnered from 90+ Leaders who represent a group of 53% from firms of over 500 Attorneys and 48% having served as a Firm Leader for over 10 years.


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Having Firm Leaders Take A STEP Forward

Juggling deadlines. Rushing to meetings. Running ever faster on the proverbial hamster wheel. Sounds familiar? The machinations of leading a law firm are such that we are all always in haste. That is how we operate. And this is how our firm’s function. But to what end?

Welcome to our Fourth Firm Leader’s Research Survey results.


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Dissecting The Processes of Law Firm Strategic Planning

We have been informed that 49% of law firm leaders indicate “strategic planning is more important than ever.” Another 20% say it is tremendously important.

Law firms have more money at risk than ever before. They have more attorneys in their firms to communicate with. And – they are looking at bigger markets along with a multitude of new ones.  Meanwhile, the world is awash in geopolitical risk.

Strategic planning brings all this together by evaluating risk and opportunity – the plan itself defines what a law firm will and won’t do.


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The 2024 ‘Burning Issues’ Confronting Firm Leaders

Even the pessimists are upbeat. 26% of law firm leaders say 2024 is going to be an excellent year – firm growth and profits will take a healthy leap. Another 48% expect a good year – performance will improve and stay strong. The remainder – the pessimists, see a year of steady state – performance will match 2023. In short law firms’ leaders are more optimistic than not.

But this is just the opening act in terms of expectations and plans – we invite you to examine the     detailed results of our newest survey.


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Examining The Inner Workings of Law Firm Leadership

We all know that the law firm leader’s job is unlike any other in the firm. One way of envisioning its multiple responsibilities is to map them by the constituencies one must address. Today’s leader must be an ambassador to the outside world as well as chief cheerleader, challenger of the status quo, and an implementer of their partners’ collective aspirations within the firm.

In March and April we distributed a survey containing over 35 questions to a group of some 250 law firm leaders, the majority from among AmLaw 100 and 200 ranked firms. Our objective was to identify and seek answers to some of the key issues related to the role of being a firm chair or managing partner.


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