Clients are up to their eyeballs with new and existing work. They continue to experience surges in needs across a broad range of fronts. They are working with more than 2x more law firms than 3 years ago — and 1/3 don’t know who their relationship partner is. Outside counsel takes up too much time and money and impedes progress.
Rainmakers know this and are offering up their partners and services to fill the needs and streamline clients’ lives. Clients are jumping in with both feet — but this isn’t the surprising part.
Corporate counsel are awarding this work with little fanfare. They may have a discussion about rates and commitment — but few ask for proposals and pitches. Rainmakers know their clients, have earned their trust, and most importantly act on this client insight. They offer help and resources before clients ask. They match up client needs with firm attorneys — and brief the new attorneys fully before they meet with clients. These same rainmakers also bring in the Legal Project Management Teams — especially in litigation.
Clients don’t want you to ask if they need help — they want it offered up on a silver platter. The fewer moving parts the better. In addition to getting more work done for less effort — this approach is the antidote for client pitch fatigue.
A few key takeaways:
- The most successful cross-sellers don’t sell at all. They offer help in specific areas they can articulate.
- Clients don’t want a pitch or to meet partners who might help. They want solutions and immediate impact.
- Delivering more services makes your client’s life easier. Few things create higher value than giving your client more time.
- Pitches have little value-add to clients right now. It’s better to put together a team than a pitch.
Those who step in now are setting themselves up for a long trail of needs and work — where clients don’t have the time to vet new firms. It is rare for cross-selling opportunities to be so robust.
Best in the market ahead –
The Mad Clientist
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