Law firms who would otherwise have little insight into corporate counsel hiring decisions, goals, law firm preferences, market positions, and detailed recommendations can now gain access to the same research used by the largest and best-performing firms in the world. The data and insight found in BTI’s reports are used to train attorneys, guide business development, inform strategy, and calibrate market trends against firm tactics.
BTI Legal Market Reports
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Authoritative, innovative, and practical advice from our research

BTI Practice Outlook 2025
BTI Practice Outlook 2025 is your only guide to outside counsel spending as corporate counsel face a barrage of high-risk legal issues — unprecedented in modern times. Guide your business development plans with precision straight from your clients — and your potential clients. Learn how they plan to divvy up their increase in outside counsel spending — and the tactics and tips to win the new business.

BTI Litigation Outlook 2025
Our 15th BTI Litigation Outlook reveals the vast increase in complexity and spending in litigation. It also uncovers how much more aggressive litigation has become. Increased spending, complexity and aggressiveness create big opportunities for law firms. The BTI Litigation Outlook 2025 is available now to help you decipher the new market dynamics and seize the opportunity.

BTI Client Service A-Team 2024
Long considered the gold standard in measuring client service performance by clients and law firms alike, the BTI Client Service A-Team 2024 is the only source for measuring client service solely from the client perspective. Now in its 23rd year — this is the most important edition ever with more than 300 new, in-depth interviews.

BTI Leading Edge Law Firms 2024
BTI Leading Edge Law Firms 2024: Law Firms Creating the Future with and for Clients is your blueprint for securing the most prized legal work. Learn what matters now — and what doesn’t matter anymore — and the 121 firms getting it right. This report dives into the most compelling issues clients face — the law firms who can deliver on these expectations enjoy higher rates — and almost no RFPs. This is the plum work destined only for those firms who can deliver.

BTI Client Service All-Stars 2024
Clients single out 296 attorneys absolutely best at client service. Now in its 23rd year, the BTI Client Service All-Stars 2024 is the only ranking and attorney recognition relying solely on clients in an organic fashion.

BTI Benchmarking Law Firm LinkedIn Performance 2023
Your firm’s LinkedIn engagement prowess drives new business, inbound leads, and provides an outlet for attorneys. BTI Benchmarking Law Firm LinkedIn Performance 2023 delineates how law firms are performing along 12 key metrics and includes detailed recommendations on improving your position.

BTI Most Recommended Law Firms 2022
There is no better source of inbound leads than the unsolicited recommendation from one top legal decision maker to another. And they all recommend firms — more often informally than not. This is how the unsolicited law firm recommendation travels.
More than 2/3 of these decision makers hire the first firm recommended — even on one unsolicited recommendation — such is the power of the unsolicited recommendation.

BTI Associate Satisfaction A-Listers 2022: BTI Survey of Law Firms Where Associates are Happiest
BTI Associate Satisfaction A-Listers 2022: BTI Survey of Law Firms Where Associates are Happiest pinpoints and interprets what associates want and value — and the law firms associates rate as best at each — and why. Use it to improve associate retention, performance, and to raise even the highest levels of satisfaction.

BTI M&A Outlook 2022: A Whole New World of M&A
M&A activity is about to set a record — 71% of large corporations will be pursuing acquisitions by October 30, 2021. This is the largest number of acquisitive companies to come along in 30 years. You have only one source to map out the opportunities: BTI M&A Outlook 2022: A Whole New World of M&A. Get there first and learn exactly how clients are picking their M&A firms, dealing with all the firms getting into this market, and the industries where the action is.

BTI M&A Client Service All-Stars 2021
Clients identify 207 attorneys who stand above all the others in delivering the absolute best in client service. These BTI M&A Client Service All-Stars immediately were able to grasp client’s new needs (often before the clients did), expectations and risks. And, they set the standard for delivering the absolute best client service.

BTI’s Cybersecurity & Data Privacy 2020
BTI’s Cybersecurity & Data Privacy 2020 details how companies are changing the way they allocate their legal budgets in 2020 and what impact these changes will have on the opportunities available to law firms. Each practice has a distinct set of characteristics law firms can use to their advantage. This leading-edge report gives you immediate advantage in what is quickly becoming a core practice for any law firm.