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The Mad Clientist

15 Best Opportunities and Trends for 2016

It’s a special time of year for The Mad Clientist as he clears his desk and combs through each of the 319 in-depth, independent interviews with corporate counsel BTI wrapped up in October of 2015. The goal: find the best opportunities for law firms in 2016.15 opportunities to drive growth…
Michael Rynowecer
December 2, 2015
The Mad Clientist

51.7% of CMOs Have Switched AORs—More to Come

Winning clients isn’t the main problem for agencies—keeping them is. AORs are replaced on a 3- to 4-year rotating basis. Nearly half of CMOs point to poor client service as the leading driver for switching AORs.High churn rates indicate agencies are predominantly involved in individualized—not institutionalized—relationships. These project- or person-based…
Michael Rynowecer
October 5, 2015
The Mad Clientist

The Most Recommended Law Firms

Last week we shared why only 33.3% of corporate counsel recommend their primary law firm to a peer—a task they do not take lightly. Recommendations are personal statements about the recommender as much as they are about a law firm’s client service, quality and commitment. With clients always expecting more, law firms…
Michael Rynowecer
June 24, 2015
The Mad Clientist

The 9 Roads to Premium Rates

Brand isn’t about one thing. Your brand is about everything you do. Every action, interaction, the technology your firm uses, the client service your firm provides, or the value a client believes they get from using your firm—these all contribute to the imprint in a client’s mind; an impression which…