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No Change in Law Firms Making Changes to Deliver More Value The Mad Clientist

No Change in Law Firms Making Changes to Deliver More Value

Streamlining and making corporate counsel’s lives easier translates into better value.Corporate counsel report the same number of law firms making changes in service delivery to increase value as last year, with 138 firms earning recognition in both 2015 and 2016, based on more than 600 interviews with corporate counsel. This may…
Michael Rynowecer
March 21, 2016
8 Factors Driving Superior Client Service: How Law Firms Climb the BTI Client Service A-Team The Mad Clientist

8 Factors Driving Superior Client Service: How Law Firms Climb the BTI Client Service A-Team

Corporate counsel recognized fewer law firms in 2015 for superior client service than 2014. Despite the more demanding environment a few savvy and disciplined law firms buck the trend. These firms climbed the ranks or managed to stay on The BTI Client Service 30 while 11 firms dropped off this…
Michael Rynowecer
January 13, 2016