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Client Service

The Mad Clientist

Your Summertime Double Dog Dare

Ok. Your firm isn’t into the client feedback thing. Or maybe your firm is into it but only conducts a dozen or maybe even a couple of dozen interviews a year. They haven’t gotten to your client just yet or the feedback is more stream of consciousness than feedback. It’s…
Michael Rynowecer
July 22, 2015
The Mad Clientist

60% of Clients Replace Their Primary Law Firm

60% of large clients have replaced one of their 2 primary law firms—the highest turnover rate in 7 years. The overwhelming reason—mediocre client service. The scary part—the client service isn’t bad—it’s just not great. Corporate counsel show shrinking patience for anything short of a superior client experience. Clients now believe even…
Michael Rynowecer
March 18, 2015
The Mad Clientist

7 Lessons from the Client Service A-Team

Corporate counsel have identified the 30 law firms delivering the absolute best client service. The BTI Client Service 30 outperforms more than 650 other firms by a factor of 6 to land among the client service elite. It’s easy to dismiss client service as a nice-to-have soft skill. However, research shows…
Michael Rynowecer
January 7, 2015