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Client Service

The Mad Clientist

The 4 Biggest Client Service Turkeys of 2016

Once again it's time for The Mad Clientist to give thanks to the attorneys delivering some of this year’s most egregious client service turkeys. We share these true stories from corporate counsel in the hopes we can all learn some lessons—and have a few laughs.Using Time WiselyI asked the law…
Michael Rynowecer
November 16, 2016
The Mad Clientist

Clients Are Voting For Your Law Firm Right Now

The overwhelming majority of C-level executives will hire you based on a single unprompted recommendation from a peer. (An unprompted recommendation is like a write-in vote.) An unprompted recommendation from your client to a peer gets you hired with no competition. Your client’s unprompted recommendation is the most powerful indicator of…
Michael Rynowecer
November 2, 2016
The Mad Clientist

How Big Law Uses Client Feedback Differently

BTI's research finds big law uses client feedback in ways most firms typically don’t consider—while finding ways to push traditional client feedback a step further than expected.You can view the video below or on YouTube directly, here: We’ll be releasing videos here on The Mad Clientist blog every Tuesday. Subscribe…
Michael Rynowecer
September 6, 2016
The Mad Clientist

Law Firms Fighting 400 Years of History

Client relationships are misunderstood and sometimes twisted affairs. So many attorneys have so many viewpoints on exactly what a client relationship is and what it should be. The reason—and solution—behind this widespread debate may lie in history.Clients rule today’s market. But this is a relatively new phenomenon in the context…
Michael Rynowecer
August 3, 2016