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Client Service

The Mad Clientist

How Client Focus Can Go So Wrong

The quest for the best solution can make even the most savvy, thoughtful professional tone deaf.Clients think of client focus as you working towards meeting their targeted objective, which may or may not be the perfect solution. 70% of lawyers define client focus as coming up with the best possible…
Michael Rynowecer
October 11, 2017
The Mad Clientist

Building Activity-Based Client Service Metrics

Aligning partner objectives with client service metrics changes the effectiveness of client service standards for the better. The Mad Clientist shares 3 of the activity-based metrics top-performing firms use to help you get started.You can view the video below, or on YouTube directly here: We’ll be releasing videos here on…
Michael Rynowecer
October 9, 2017
The Mad Clientist

What the FZK is Up with Client Service?

I confess to loving all 26 letters in The Mad Clientist’s ABCs of Client Service equally. This easy read of a book takes a short and lighthearted look at a deadly serious topic—improving client service to drive new business. But I admit, I am especially partial to the letters F, Z,…
Michael Rynowecer
August 30, 2017
The Mad Clientist

4 Keys to Winning More Work

Acting as a business advisor sparks conversations and develops relationships before legal issues arise and leads to capturing high-rate legal work from your clients.Your ability to provide your service in the context of the client’s business will most differentiate you in the eyes of clients. Industry dynamics, current events, emerging…
Michael Rynowecer
June 28, 2017