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Business Development

The Mad Clientist

Are You Pursuing the Right Clients?

Cracking the code to business development offers significant financial benefits. So why have only a select few—10.8% of all law firms—figured out a marketing and business development strategy to drive faster growth and build bigger relationships than other firms.Jennifer Dezso, BTI Principal, walks through the first marketing & business development…
Michael Rynowecer
June 19, 2017
The Mad Clientist

The 10 Secrets of Pacesetting Law Firms

Only 10 marketing tactics really matter. Out of the dozens of tactics, protocols, and activities available—there are 10 driving superior performance. Time and money at every firm are always at a premium, and everyone—from Managing Partners to Marketing Coordinators—is looking for the secret sauce to stretch every last dollar and every last…
Michael Rynowecer
June 14, 2017
The Mad Clientist

Half of CMOs on Road to Burnout

In some ways it’s a CMO’s dream—demand exceeds marketing supply. CMOs face a record level of RFPs and now carefully orchestrate between 50 and 500 directory submissions or more—all coming due at the same time. This alone can absorb major capacity—before adding in all the daily tasks of running the…
Michael Rynowecer
April 5, 2017
The Mad Clientist

Client Development: The Key to Dramatic Growth

This week The Mad Clientist discusses building your budget by separating out client-specific activities vs. broader initiatives to dramatically increase growth.You can view the video below, or on YouTube directly here: We’ll be releasing videos here on The Mad Clientist blog every Tuesday. Subscribe today (in the box at the…
Michael Rynowecer
February 20, 2017
The Mad Clientist

Building Business Development Superstars

A proven tactic for taking share from your competitors – no matter your size: Build the business development skills of partners willing and able to deliver. And don't miss this week's Thursday post, where we'll break down the process for building business development across your firm.You can view the video…
Michael Rynowecer
January 16, 2017