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BTI Client Service 30

Clients Single Out the BTI Client Service 30 2024 — Law Firms Best at Client Service The Mad Clientist

Clients Single Out the BTI Client Service 30 2024 — Law Firms Best at Client Service

It's all organic. Clients — more than 300 of them — identify the law firms best at client service — along the 17 dimensions they say are the most crucial drivers. These legal decision makers single out a firm, rank them, and explain why — with no prompts or suggestions.…
April 10, 2024
BTI Client Service A-Team: The Law Firms Best at Unprompted Communication The Mad Clientist

BTI Client Service A-Team: The Law Firms Best at Unprompted Communication

Unprompted communication is ongoing — and targeted — dialogue with clients. Legal decision makers see value in firms able to anticipate required information before being asked, including case-specific as well as general communication about upcoming issues they might face. Also, learn what it is exactly and what it means, according…
April 20, 2022
BTI Client Service A-Team: The Law Firms Best at Advising on Business Issues The Mad Clientist

BTI Client Service A-Team: The Law Firms Best at Advising on Business Issues

Legal decision makers look for informed opinions and recommended courses of action. Concrete advice provided with an understanding of business implications separates clinical analysis from higher-value, contextual counsel. Also, learn what it is exactly and what it means, according to clients. Corporate counsel rank the following firms as best at…
April 20, 2022
BTI Client Service A-Team: The Law Firms Best at Dealing with Unexpected Changes The Mad Clientist

BTI Client Service A-Team: The Law Firms Best at Dealing with Unexpected Changes

Legal decision makers believe your experience enables you to be fully prepared for any unexpected changes arising in a matter. Clients look to you to guide them through the issues they didn’t expect. An inability to adapt to new circumstances makes the client question your skills and quality. And the…
April 13, 2022
BTI Client Service A-Team: The Law Firms Best at Keeping Clients Informed The Mad Clientist

BTI Client Service A-Team: The Law Firms Best at Keeping Clients Informed

Clients expect to be informed throughout a matter: progress, lack of progress, unexpected circumstances, or changes. Regular, proactive communication is the anticipated standard. Failure to keep your clients informed cracks the foundation of client service and erodes relationships. Also, learn what it is exactly and what it means, according to…
April 13, 2022
BTI Client Service A-Team: The Law Firms Delivering the Best Quality Products The Mad Clientist

BTI Client Service A-Team: The Law Firms Delivering the Best Quality Products

Clients build their perception of your quality around their whole experience with you — not just the final product or result you deliver — and especially your client focus. Clients presume you will perform annual research and quality control. Quality is based on client experience. Also, learn what it is…
April 12, 2022
BTI Client Service A-Team: The Law Firms Best at Providing Value for the Dollar The Mad Clientist

BTI Client Service A-Team: The Law Firms Best at Providing Value for the Dollar

Value isn’t about low cost. Clients see value when a law firm delivers measurably more than they expect. Clients believe exceptional legal advice delivered on time and within budget is a minimum requirement and adds no value. Firms delivering the highest value focus on delivering business wins to clients —…
April 11, 2022