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The Mad Clientist

BTI Client Service A-Team: The Law Firms Best at Providing Value for the Dollar The Mad Clientist

BTI Client Service A-Team: The Law Firms Best at Providing Value for the Dollar

Value is murky and often hard for top legal decision makers to spot. Or it is tremendously easy to see when clear, obvious, and well-articulated by the law firm delivering service. This phenomenon explains why firms delivering the best value talk to their clients more than others, include clients in…
Michael Rynowecer
December 5, 2016
BTI Client Service A-Team: The Law Firms Best at Understanding the Client’s Business The Mad Clientist

BTI Client Service A-Team: The Law Firms Best at Understanding the Client’s Business

Your ability to understand your client’s business is the single best differentiator in the legal market today. This understanding is also the single biggest reason clients pay a premium rate. Clients receive substantially more value when law firms see the risk and the issues from the client’s point of view.Your…
Michael Rynowecer
December 5, 2016
BTI Client Service A-Team: The Law Firms Best at Client Focus The Mad Clientist

BTI Client Service A-Team: The Law Firms Best at Client Focus

15 years ago, Client Focus was about returning phone calls and getting documents back to clients. Those days are long gone. Top legal decision makers define Client Focus as the ability to understand their overall objectives, as well as the different objectives for each individual matter.Corporate counsel report law firms…
Michael Rynowecer
December 2, 2016
BTI Client Service A-Team: The Law Firms Best at Showing Commitment to Help The Mad Clientist

BTI Client Service A-Team: The Law Firms Best at Showing Commitment to Help

Commitment to Help is the most influential aspect of your client relationship. Clients judge your commitment based on their highly personal, subjective judgment of your effort and investment in the relationship. Commitment to Help is all about your behavior. You have to be the most committed to helping your client…
Michael Rynowecer
December 2, 2016
Boosting Firmwide Client Service through Partner Objectives The Mad Clientist

Boosting Firmwide Client Service through Partner Objectives

Boosting client service dramatically is every firm's goal. Here The Mad Clientist walks you through one of the indirect ways to get your attorneys on board—the right way.You can view the video below, or on YouTube directly here: We’ll be releasing videos here on The Mad Clientist blog every Tuesday.…
Michael Rynowecer
November 14, 2016
BTI Marketing Mojo 2017: The Law Firms Marketing Leaders Don’t Want to Pitch Against The Mad Clientist

BTI Marketing Mojo 2017: The Law Firms Marketing Leaders Don’t Want to Pitch Against

BTI's exclusive in-depth interviews with 159 law firm marketing leaders reveal the law firms they most want to avoid pitching against. Learn what clients and law firm marketing leaders alike describe as the key attributes of Marketing Mojo. Includes the 6 law firms with the most Marketing Mojo and the…
Michael Rynowecer
November 9, 2016