Understanding Your Client’s Business = Higher Rates
The secret to large law winning more business and higher rates? Not as big a secret as you might think.You can view the video below, or on YouTube directly here: https://youtu.be/beJXoKen1pI We’ll be releasing videos here on The Mad Clientist blog every Tuesday. Subscribe today (in the box at the upper…
GCs Name 319 Attorneys Absolutely Best at Client Service
319 attorneys from 160 law firms stand out as absolutely best at client service. Not just great—but head and shoulders above the rest as defined solely by clients. These are the BTI Client Service All-Stars 2017. This report celebrates these remarkable attorneys and their ability to rise above all others…
Michael RynowecerFebruary 8, 2017
How Clients Hire: Largest Legal Spenders Look for New Law Firms on LinkedIn
LinkedIn’s day has come. The most demanding and sophisticated Chief Legal Officers in the world are hiring new attorneys through LinkedIn.Power Users Are the Power SpendersTop CLOs’ hunger for new approaches leads them to LinkedIn—and to new attorneys. 21% of top legal decision makers are actively using LinkedIn to find…
Michael RynowecerFebruary 1, 2017
What Clients Are Actually Using Your Website For
Your website plays 2 roles: 1 for your clients and 1 for everyone else. The Mad Clientist breaks down how large law is positioning their websites in today's marketplace.You can view the video below, or on YouTube directly here: https://youtu.be/iy0O0jrJyXI We’ll be releasing videos here on The Mad Clientist blog every…
Michael RynowecerJanuary 30, 2017
The Worst of the Worst Pitches
The last we checked RFPs issued by clients were at an all-time high. This means a peak in presentations by law firms. A small number were truly excellent—blowing clients away and gaining new work for these law firms. Clients describe most as between acceptable and numbing. But, these potential clients…
Michael RynowecerJanuary 25, 2017
7 Deadly Sins: Billing Practices Killing Client Relationships
Your bill: the one communication clients are going to be invested in reviewing and understanding thoroughly.Bills are the only factor every attorney has in common when delivering work to clients—regardless of which clients you are serving and what practice areas you are in. In the first installment of BTI's newest video…
Michael RynowecerJanuary 23, 2017
Attorneys Pose Biggest Obstacle to Law Firm Growth
“We have met the enemy and he is us.”POGO, April 20, 1970Walt Kelly, Creator and AuthorMarket forces pale in comparison to attorneys as the biggest obstacle to growth at law firms. Law firm marketing leaders believe no-growth markets and ever more demanding clients have less impact than attorney resistance.25.2% of…
Michael RynowecerJanuary 18, 2017
Building Business Development Superstars
A proven tactic for taking share from your competitors – no matter your size: Build the business development skills of partners willing and able to deliver. And don't miss this week's Thursday post, where we'll break down the process for building business development across your firm.You can view the video…
Michael RynowecerJanuary 16, 2017
4 Reasons Law Firms Lose Their Coveted Spot on The BTI Client Service 30
“How could we have changed? We have done so much.”“Our score dropped and we haven’t changed a single thing in our program.”“What made our score drop, we have made client service a real priority?”2017 saw 53% of The BTI Client Service 30 drop off the list and be replaced by…
Michael RynowecerJanuary 11, 2017