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Our top posts of the pandemic era tell a story of new BD tactics, new client expectations, and how firms changed faster than they ever thought they could. You can still learn from these insights and new approaches — many of which are here to stay. Here are 12 of the most read posts since March 1, 2020:

The 3 Most Awkward Moments of your Zoom Pitch

A lot of unintended awkward moments revealed themselves on Zoom. Clients noticed and told us all about it. These insights are just as relevant today — and will be tomorrow.

Law Firms Scooping the First of New Covid-19 Cases — 8 Tactics Winning the Work

The pandemic changed client expectations on a dime and some savvy law firms went all-in on the changes. Learn who and how in this post — many of the tactics apply today.

How 25 Client Industries are Impacted and 5 Things You Can Do About It Right Now

Some industries immediately thrived as others tanked. This post points out where 25 industries are headed and illustrates the vast differences between them. Law firms are still using it to inform their business development strategy.

Kirkland Crushes $4 Billion — What They Do and How They Do It

The pandemic didn’t even make a dent in K&E’s performance. We see only a small part of the Kirkland & Ellis strategy — so much of it is behind the curtain. We share key aspects of their success.

9 Trends Driving the Litigation Market

Clients saw the need for litigation soar. We define the drivers and what clients want. Look for the update in September.

Clients Reverse Course — Jump on RFPs — 6 Reasons It’s Different This Time

Clients started hiring again — and wanted their new expectations met. RFPs were the most convenient tool. A helpful refresher.

Some Mind-Boggling Statistics About Clients’ Daily Lives — and They All Impact You

The word busy doesn’t do justice to clients’ busy lives. These statistics offer a new view on how to get their attention in the ultra-busy world.

Winning Work with an Antiquated, Unloved, and Almost Forgotten Approach

The lost art of the telephone conversation. It’s one of the killer BD tactics. See how rarely it gets used and how much clients value it.

7 Key Questions Clients are Trying to Answer Right Now: What You Can Do About It

Clients started asking new questions once the pandemic settled in. Use these to prepare for the next set of questions clients are trying to answer.

10% of Clients Like Sitting Through Your Pitch — Why This Spells Trouble

It’s hard to develop business when no one wants to sit through your pitch. Learn how and why clients don’t like these pitches — the virtual pitch is here to stay.

BTI rankings were the most popular they have ever been — by a long shot. More than 16,000 top legal decision makers poured over:

The BTI Client Service All-Stars 2020: Clients Single Out the Attorneys Best at Client Service

It quickly became a new client service ballgame. And clients singled out the attorneys — by name — who stepped up and delivered the best client service. You can get a look at our BTI Client Service All-Star website here and learn what clients said and about the individual All-Stars’ client philosophies

The BTI Client Service A-Team 2021: Survey of Law Firms Client Service Performance

We saw more change in client service rankings during the pandemic than we have in the 20 years we have published this report. Learn who the leaders are, what they do, who improved — and exactly what happened to your firm.

These posts provide foundational tactics and insights for whatever the next normal may bring.

Look for more of the new business development approaches to have even more impact. The client-facing tactics born in the pandemic will remain long after it passes.

Be safe.

The MAD Clientist

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BTI Client Service A-Team 2021:
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The Pandemic-Led Market, Just Released
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