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Clients are expecting increases in their litigation budgets. They do not know how big yet – but the estimates are well into the double digits. The new COVID-19 cases have already started rolling in and clients have quickly picked the law firms getting the new work. No competition, no RFPs, and no presentations – these partners and firms are winning the work using hard core, world-class business development. Here are 8 tactics they are using right now:

  • Calling consistently. These rainmakers have averaged 3.4 calls per client so far – about once a week.

  • Planning each call so it is meaningful, and value added to their clients.

  • Offering to advise the few clients who have their own task force – some paid, some not.

  • Forming task forces with different clients as members – and running the meetings so everyone learns and feels part of the team.

  • Starting the planning process for the increased litigation clients are expecting – this includes early risk assessment tools, scenario planning at larger companies, and developing a range of strategies based on real and expected claims.

  • Informing clients of actions against their companies before they knew – using reporting services and other tools.

  • Sharing observations and experience about what they are seeing to help clients gain perspective – and create a rich environment for a meaningful discussion.

  • Asking specific questions about where and how to help – the questions are targeted based on experiences with other clients or client-specific knowledge.

These rainmakers talk about the WFH experience, home schooling, and other challenges of 24/7 family time – but these are the garnish to the core conversation.

All this takes time to prepare and plan. The successful business developers are focusing on a smaller number of clients with higher quality touch points. This brings more success, business, and better relationships – the driver behind good business development.

There is no reason you can’t start adopting these tactics now. Pick your best clients – the clients where you click, and things just seem right. Everyone has them. Start small and build, you will go farther faster.

And all of this brings us to one big lesson…

Few things beat a client relationship and engagement to win work – especially in a crisis. In order to establish this relationship, your one mission is to discover the unseen and emerging issues and save your client the time of finding them on their own. Then, and only then, will clients share their concerns with you – and the business will follow.

Be well and be safe.


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