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Mad Clientist

The Mad Clientist

Largest Clients Ramp Up RFPs

The next RFP is likely to be a big one. RFPs among the largest clients are on the rise. While only 38% of clients plan to issue RFPs through 2019—they are the largest legal spenders. Here’s why this group is moving to RFPs while others silently interview and select their…
Michael Rynowecer
January 23, 2019
The Mad Clientist

12 Top Trends Defining the 2019 Legal Market

Buckle up. It’s going to be an exciting ride. Clients are spending more money on outside counsel than ever. Top legal decision makers are redefining their approach to hiring and managing their law firms. This translates into direct opportunity. But you will find the biggest wins by targeting your client’s…
Michael Rynowecer
January 2, 2019
The Mad Clientist

5 Reasons Clients Love to Call Their Law Firms

Clients tell us there are 5 times when they truly enjoy calling their outside counsel. These busy legal decision makers have little time for optional phone calls—which makes these 5 especially telling. These calls are: Review a delivered work productClients inevitably have questions, comments, and changes. Your clients view these…
Michael Rynowecer
December 5, 2018
The Mad Clientist

The Pendulum Swings Back to Outside Counsel

What goes around comes around. Finally. Clients are sending substantially more work to outside counsel for the 2nd year in a row. The spending increases are widespread and across the board. 10 Practice Areas Slated for Growth. 5 to Shrink.Cybersecurity and M&A Lead All Growth Spending is increasing most in…
Michael Rynowecer
November 14, 2018