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Mad Clientist

The BTI Fearsome Foursome: Most Feared Litigation Firms The Mad Clientist

The BTI Fearsome Foursome: Most Feared Litigation Firms

Wind, Fire, Earth, Water. These are Mother Nature’s mighty forces. They change, shape, mold and occasionally devastate the most stalwart opponents. Their enormity is legendary. Their magnificent power undisputed. Among law firms, few can claim such epic strength as these four elements. The Fearsome Foursome is the exception. Four law…
Michael Rynowecer
August 24, 2010
The End of the World as We Know It: The New World of Litigation The Mad Clientist

The End of the World as We Know It: The New World of Litigation

REM’s apocalyptic hit ceaselessly inventories a parade of revolutionary events that will forever alter our world. From earthquakes to government coups, the jangly tune invokes visions of awesome transformation. The end is catastrophic. Comparing forthcoming changes in litigation to the Apocalypse is certainly melodramatic. The pending developments in litigation are…
Michael Rynowecer
August 20, 2010
Hope or Hype: Clients Speak on Why Alternative Billing Does Not Solve the Value Challenge The Mad Clientist

Hope or Hype: Clients Speak on Why Alternative Billing Does Not Solve the Value Challenge

4 out of 5 clients get their best value from old-school hourly billing, according to candid feedback from more than 250 GCs. While experts, the press and even law firms spend scores of hours touting the "death of the billable hour", corporate counsel continue to funnel over 90% of their…
Michael Rynowecer
March 16, 2010