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Mad Clientist

The Mad Clientist

CMOs Stress Levels Surge

CMO Stress Levels Surge Business is good. The best it’s been in recent memory. So, what’s the worry? 2019 marks the first time a large number of CMOs tell us the external factors are just as stressful as the internal issues. These law firm marketing leaders see outside threats and…
Michael Rynowecer
July 17, 2019
The Mad Clientist

Law Firms with the Best Pitch

It’s your moment. You are asked to come in and pitch. The typical company will ask 14 law firms to respond to an RFP. Next, they ask 3 to 8 to come in and pitch. Your chance to make your compelling case is here. And, out of these pitches—clients say…
Michael Rynowecer
July 10, 2019