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Law Firms

The Mad Clientist

The 8 Habits of Highly Profitable Law Firms

Everyone loves profits. Everyone loves to talk about profits per partner. We will restrain ourselves and not talk about the value of profits per partner as a metric, as hard as it is. Instead, let’s focus on how people stare endlessly at the eye-popping numbers of the top reported firms.…
Michael Rynowecer
September 16, 2015
The Mad Clientist

The Most Recommended Law Firms

Last week we shared why only 33.3% of corporate counsel recommend their primary law firm to a peer—a task they do not take lightly. Recommendations are personal statements about the recommender as much as they are about a law firm’s client service, quality and commitment. With clients always expecting more, law firms…
Michael Rynowecer
June 24, 2015
The Mad Clientist

The Great Revenue Deception

Revenue is so deceptive. As long as we have growth it's all good. But, it hides so many sins and can be so misleading. It can also mask great success. Too bad it sits right up at the top of the income statement for all to see. Hiding the Truth…
Michael Rynowecer
June 2, 2015
The Mad Clientist

Could it be Low T?

Client relationships feeling a little sluggish lately? Losing some of the old vitality they used to have? The conversations, the vibe and the business you’re getting just don’t have the spark or energy they once had. You feel like they’re a shadow of what used to be. Is it Low T?…
Michael Rynowecer
March 25, 2015
The Mad Clientist

60% of Clients Replace Their Primary Law Firm

60% of large clients have replaced one of their 2 primary law firms—the highest turnover rate in 7 years. The overwhelming reason—mediocre client service. The scary part—the client service isn’t bad—it’s just not great. Corporate counsel show shrinking patience for anything short of a superior client experience. Clients now believe even…
Michael Rynowecer
March 18, 2015
The Mad Clientist

Zen and the Art of Arrogance

Market leaders in 11 professional service markets are arrogant. It’s absolutely true. Over the last 25 years, BTI has performed deep dive analyses into client expectations and preferences for professional service providers in 11 different segments including Law, Accounting, Management Consulting, Engineering, Digital Marketing Agencies and more. Our shocking discovery:…
Michael Rynowecer
December 10, 2014