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Client Service

The Mad Clientist

Top 11 Trends Shaping the Legal Market for 2020

Complexity and risk continue to dominate client thinking. Clients continue to eat into their internal budgets to fund outside counsel work. The need for outside counsel who can meet their new expectations remains relentless. Use these 11 trends to your immediate and lasting advantage: Clients Are Way More Fickle, and…
Michael Rynowecer
January 2, 2020
The Mad Clientist

Clients Embrace LinkedIn: Reveal All

Right there in plain sight. An insightful look into, if not the very definition of, your client’s world view. It’s on LinkedIn. This isn’t a superficial glance at where they went to school—it’s about finding snippets of insight buried within the introduction, comments, posts, likes, connections, and frequency of their…
Michael Rynowecer
November 13, 2019
The Mad Clientist

5 Reasons to Call Your Client Right Now

There are hundreds of reasons not to call your client—and at least 5 reasons you should. The opportunities to help clients during the final months of the year are 10 times greater than at the beginning. As the corporate world draws to its annual close, the race to complete both…
Michael Rynowecer
November 6, 2019
The Mad Clientist

CMOs Find New Life with Future Rainmakers

It’s rewarding, helps the firm, and helps them—the trifecta of engagement and satisfaction. 26% of CMOs tell us spotting and nurturing future rainmakers is their strongest skill. Not only does this skill help fuel the stream of future rainmakers—CMOs find this one of the most gratifying aspects of their role.…
Michael Rynowecer
October 23, 2019
The Mad Clientist

Score One for Law Firms Over ALSPs

It takes savings of at least 24% to get an executive to even entertain switching providers. You can offer these savings in time or money—but if it doesn’t meet the 24% threshold, you are toast. How ALSPs Negate Their Own Savings ALSPs offer raw savings but are getting killed in…
Michael Rynowecer
October 9, 2019
The Mad Clientist

Fewer Firms Improving the Client Experience

Fewer law firms are showing clients innovation around improving the client experience—top legal decision makers point to 14.6% fewer firms than last year. Clients are changing their expectations and demands as they face increased complexity and uncertainty—making it harder for law firms to understand. Fewer firms can keep up or…
Michael Rynowecer
May 22, 2019
The Mad Clientist

More Law Firms Earning Client Recommendations

Top legal decision makers recommend 293 law firms, 21.6% more law firms for 2019. This upswing is on the heels of a 3-year downtrend. We see 2 driving reasons: 1) A number of law firms are having success with their firmwide client service excellence initiatives—bringing new unprompted recommendations from clients.2)…
Michael Rynowecer
May 22, 2019
The Mad Clientist

Law Firms Embrace Funky Billing, Go Rogue

Clients are seeing the funkiest and even what they describe as “slippery bills” from their law firms. We are not talking about isolated incidents; fully 38% of clients tell us about slipshod bills—doubling the 19% of last year. Why are clients using such strong language? Judge for yourself:   And then…