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Client Feedback

Client Interviews with Managing Partners only Scratch the Surface The Mad Clientist

Client Interviews with Managing Partners only Scratch the Surface

With your competitors out interviewing wide swaths of their clients, firms who stick solely to Managing Partner interviews are missing out on a catalyst for firm-wide change.You can view the video below, or on YouTube directly here: We’ll be releasing videos here on The Mad Clientist blog every Tuesday. Subscribe…
Michael Rynowecer
May 26, 2017
How Big Law Uses Client Feedback Differently The Mad Clientist

How Big Law Uses Client Feedback Differently

BTI's research finds big law uses client feedback in ways most firms typically don’t consider—while finding ways to push traditional client feedback a step further than expected.You can view the video below or on YouTube directly, here: We’ll be releasing videos here on The Mad Clientist blog every Tuesday. Subscribe…
Michael Rynowecer
September 6, 2016