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Client Feedback

The Mad Clientist

Your Summertime Double Dog Dare

Ok. Your firm isn’t into the client feedback thing. Or maybe your firm is into it but only conducts a dozen or maybe even a couple of dozen interviews a year. They haven’t gotten to your client just yet or the feedback is more stream of consciousness than feedback. It’s…
Michael Rynowecer
July 22, 2015
The Mad Clientist

5 Trends Clients Want You To Jump On

Early seeds of change often present the best new opportunities. BTI’s new research has uncovered 5 emerging trends—2 are client driven while 3 originate from law firms. Each presents new tactics, or in some cases a new and much better version of an old tactic. But none of these are…
Michael Rynowecer
May 13, 2015
The Mad Clientist

60% of Clients Replace Their Primary Law Firm

60% of large clients have replaced one of their 2 primary law firms—the highest turnover rate in 7 years. The overwhelming reason—mediocre client service. The scary part—the client service isn’t bad—it’s just not great. Corporate counsel show shrinking patience for anything short of a superior client experience. Clients now believe even…
Michael Rynowecer
March 18, 2015
The Mad Clientist

The 7 Stages of Client Relationships

For most firms, quantity and size come before strength and quality when counting clients. We always want more and bigger.  But without core strength or understanding our depth of quality, we know little about what each client relationship can be and how long it may last. Knowing where we stand with clients…
Michael Rynowecer
April 2, 2014