How 6 Seconds of Silence Nails New Business
Your client is looking right at you. No words—just deep in thought. You just said something which made you very different from everyone else. Were you provocative? Did you just change your client’s perspective? If you're like most people you may not exactly know. But you do know you seriously…
The Most Recommended Law Firms
Last week we shared why only 33.3% of corporate counsel recommend their primary law firm to a peer—a task they do not take lightly. Recommendations are personal statements about the recommender as much as they are about a law firm’s client service, quality and commitment. With clients always expecting more, law firms…
Michael RynowecerJune 24, 2015
Client Service Suffers Second Biggest Drop — Here’s Why
Clients want more. And don’t stop wanting more. Ever. Only 33.3% of corporate counsel recommend their primary law firm to a peer—a substantial drop from the 40.1% who recommended their primary law firms last year. This marks the second biggest drop in 15 years. Credit one reason—The Client Expectation Gap. …
Michael RynowecerJune 17, 2015
Every Firm Can Beat the Spike In Attorney Resistance to Change
The more things change the more we resist. 54.1% of law firm marketing leaders report partner resistance to change as their most vexing problem—more than doubling from the 22.5% reported in 2005. Back then, corporate legal spending was soaring while law firms worried only about capacity to meet demand. Fast…
Michael RynowecerJune 10, 2015
The Great Revenue Deception
Revenue is so deceptive. As long as we have growth it's all good. But, it hides so many sins and can be so misleading. It can also mask great success. Too bad it sits right up at the top of the income statement for all to see. Hiding the Truth…
Michael RynowecerJune 2, 2015
Clients Drop 11 More Law Firms — Hitting 15-Year Low
Clients have the smallest law firm panels in 15 years. A typical large company now relies on 36 law firms—down from 47 firms last year. This marks the second year in a row of the shrinking law firm panel. Despite the new low, corporate counsel report no plans to stop…
Michael RynowecerMay 27, 2015
Basically Salient is beauitful from all around
Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control over the situation. far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with…
Michael RynowecerMay 22, 2015
Highest Rates Clients Pay Jump to $1600, Top Rates up 8%
Clients pay $1,600 an hour after any discount as the highest rate in the market—a new all-time high for the top rate. And, this is not an isolated rate—more than a few clients report paying $1,600 per hour. 4 Figure Hourly Rates Officially Part of the Legal Landscape 38% corporate…
Michael RynowecerMay 20, 2015
5 Trends Clients Want You To Jump On
Early seeds of change often present the best new opportunities. BTI’s new research has uncovered 5 emerging trends—2 are client driven while 3 originate from law firms. Each presents new tactics, or in some cases a new and much better version of an old tactic. But none of these are…
Michael RynowecerMay 13, 2015