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The Mad Clientist

Technology Is Not Killing Advertising. Agencies Are. The Mad Clientist

Technology Is Not Killing Advertising. Agencies Are.

It’s easy for agencies to point to the avalanche of all things digital as destroying the dynamic between clients and advertising agencies. In-depth research with over 150 CMOs reveals the digital world isn’t ruining these relationships—agencies are.Agencies have long been subject to—and forced to adapt to—the preferences of consumers and…
Michael Rynowecer
September 21, 2015
BTI Client Service A-Team: CMOs Rank Digital and Traditional Agencies The Mad Clientist

BTI Client Service A-Team: CMOs Rank Digital and Traditional Agencies

 The BTI Client Service A-Team 2015 gives you the facts you need to boost client service based on actual client feedback. Learn what the top performers, The BTI Client Service 15, are doing to outpace competitors. Get details on over 200 digital and traditional agencies—by name—with insights on how clients…
Michael Rynowecer
September 9, 2015
9 Tips to Transform Your Thought Leadership into New Business The Mad Clientist

9 Tips to Transform Your Thought Leadership into New Business

Thought Leadership or Thought LeadershipThe emphasis is the difference between new business and being deleted. Leadership gets you new business and commands higher rates. You are an educator. You are a source of new, original knowledge. Leadership means your clients and potential clients will look for your thoughts—and, best of…
Michael Rynowecer
August 19, 2015