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The Stark Divide Driving Profit or Stranglehold for Law Firms The Mad Clientist

The Stark Divide Driving Profit or Stranglehold for Law Firms

It’s a stark dichotomy. Corporate counsel today find themselves in one of two camps: either seizing strategic opportunities to change the business – or focusing on improving compliance and warding off risk. Either camp creates one of the most compelling business development opportunities for law firms – fueling new growth…
March 12, 2025
Law Firms to Add Big to Marketing Budgets in 2018—Here’s How to Get Yours The Mad Clientist

Law Firms to Add Big to Marketing Budgets in 2018—Here’s How to Get Yours

13% of law firm CMOs are trying to hide their smiles. They snagged big increases in their budgets—just over $1 million per firm.* Their goal is simple—keeping clients, growing clients, and getting new ones. Their success in justifying their new budgets comes from emphasizing the risk of not spending the…
Michael Rynowecer
November 1, 2017
Climbing the Marketing and Business Development Mountain [Infographic] The Mad Clientist

Climbing the Marketing and Business Development Mountain [Infographic]

Learn exactly what steps to take to make it to the top with BTI’s newest report, BTI Guide to Maximum Marketing & Business Development 2017, where you'll see the details on what the top performers are doing differently than everyone else—and step-by-step tactics for how you can implement, and improve, these…
Michael Rynowecer
June 21, 2017