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Clients Single Out 24 Best of the Best Law Firms in Complex Employment Litigation The Mad Clientist

Clients Single Out 24 Best of the Best Law Firms in Complex Employment Litigation

Spending continues up in employment litigation. Clients continue to brace for a wide swath of litigation both pandemic-related and not. Labor and employment is the dominant concern for corporate counsel and HR executives. Please congratulate the Complex Employment Litigation Powerhouses and Leaders: Powerhouses Jackson Lewis Jones Day Littler Morgan Lewis…
Michael Rynowecer
October 25, 2021
Clients Single Out the 48 Best Law Firms in Complex Commercial Litigation The Mad Clientist

Clients Single Out the 48 Best Law Firms in Complex Commercial Litigation

The commercial litigation growth rate is increasing as the economy is more stable — providing the stronger backdrop to make claims than last year. Commercial litigation is one of 4 of the 8 largest segments showing outsized growth. Clients look to law firms for help in planning, budgeting and providing…
Michael Rynowecer
October 25, 2021
Clients See 23 Best of the Best Law Firms in Securities and Finance Litigation The Mad Clientist

Clients See 23 Best of the Best Law Firms in Securities and Finance Litigation

The explosion in Special Purpose Acquisition Corporations (SPACs), the deluge of IPOs, and public companies with big earnings or operating surprises are driving the market. The companies facing these matters are looking for strong offense and those who know how to show them the roadmap to a good outcome. Please…
Michael Rynowecer
October 22, 2021
16 Best of the Best Law Firms in Cybersecurity/Data Privacy Litigation The Mad Clientist

16 Best of the Best Law Firms in Cybersecurity/Data Privacy Litigation

Cybersecurity/Data Privacy continues rapid growth. Look for both state and federal agencies to drive the market. Clients are looking for law firms who bring actual experience defending clients and can educate clients and potential clients. Top legal decision makers point to a select group as Cybersecurity/Data Privacy Litigation Powerhouses and…
Michael Rynowecer
October 22, 2021
The Product Liability Litigation Powerhouses and Outlook for 2019 The Mad Clientist

The Product Liability Litigation Powerhouses and Outlook for 2019

Product Liability Litigation can frequently turn into high-stakes work, but most organizations facing these types of potential issues are trying to minimize and avoid damage well before a full litigation trial develops. Clients are skilled in assessing risk and look for alternative fees to match. Clients want law firms who can…
Michael Rynowecer
October 24, 2018
The Complex Commercial Litigation Powerhouses and Outlook for 2019 The Mad Clientist

The Complex Commercial Litigation Powerhouses and Outlook for 2019

More companies are facing commercial litigation matters than last year. Most of the increase is coming from the soaring rates of high-stakes matters—which is also putting pressure on the routine work. Look for growth in Consumer Goods, Food, Insurance, and Transportation. You can learn more details about the best opportunities,…
Michael Rynowecer
October 24, 2018
The Securities and Finance Litigation Powerhouses and Outlook for 2019 The Mad Clientist

The Securities and Finance Litigation Powerhouses and Outlook for 2019

After a flurry of new activity in 2018, the percent of large organizations handling Securities and Finance litigation dips back to 2016 levels. The companies still managing these matters plan to increase their spending in 2019—driving moderate growth for this segment of the litigation market.You can learn more details about…
Michael Rynowecer
October 23, 2018