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Why A Whole Lot More Law Firm Leaders Will Be Stepping Down: Insights from a Survey of 250 Leaders The Mad Clientist

Why A Whole Lot More Law Firm Leaders Will Be Stepping Down: Insights from a Survey of 250 Leaders

Momentum is only starting to build. Expect 15% to 20% of law firm leaders to step down over the next 2 years. It may be the most overlooked trend to hit the legal community. Based on the survey my longtime friend and collaborator, internationally recognized law firm consultant Patrick McKenna,…
Michael Rynowecer
July 20, 2023
Client Single Out 293 Attorneys Delivering the Absolute Best Client Service The Mad Clientist

Client Single Out 293 Attorneys Delivering the Absolute Best Client Service

Clients single out 293 attorneys for delivering superior client service. Not just good — but head and shoulders above all others. Top legal decision makers identify the attorneys delivering the absolute best client service. We ask the questions and clients provide the answers with no prompts, suggestions, or submissions —…
Michael Rynowecer
June 15, 2023