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The Mad Clientist

Congratulations on your Bankruptcy… and Other Client Service Turkeys The Mad Clientist

Congratulations on your Bankruptcy… and Other Client Service Turkeys

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and The Mad Clientist would like to give thanks to the attorneys delivering some of the year’s more egregious client service turkeys. The Mad Clientist shares these true stories from corporate counsel in the hopes we can learn some lessons—and have a few laughs. …
Michael Rynowecer
November 18, 2014
60% of Clients Replaced a Core Litigation Firm—The Law Firm Purge Has Begun The Mad Clientist

60% of Clients Replaced a Core Litigation Firm—The Law Firm Purge Has Begun

BTI’s just completed research with over 300 General Counsel finds two trends driving how the litigation market will unfold in 2015: Bet-the-company matters have dropped by 50%. Aggressive settlement strategies and heightened focus on case elimination—not trial—sparks a 50% decline in bet-the-company matters over the past 2 years. Now clients are…
Michael Rynowecer
September 29, 2014