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The Mad Clientist

The Mad Clientist

The Mold Problem

We often think we need to come up with a solution on our own to prove we are worth hiring. But clients aren’t just looking for someone to take charge and save the day—they’re looking for an ally, an invested confidant. Clients want to play a role in the shaping…
The Mad Clientist

9 Keys to Hirability, Higher Rates and Fame

Clients may know who you are, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. The real challenge is ensuring your firm’s brand moves past awareness to differentiation. Different from all others—in a good way—where your brand drives new business. Differentiation determines your hirability and how much clients will pay.…
Michael Rynowecer
April 30, 2014
The Mad Clientist

Every Step You Take… I’ll Be Watching You

Nothing leaves a stronger imprint on clients than experience. Nothing. Apple continues to maintain its stronghold on brand value in Forbes’ annual list of Most Valuable Brands even as consumers start to grumble about whether or not Apple remains truly innovative. But Apple still delivers an experience no other brand…
Michael Rynowecer
April 24, 2014
The Mad Clientist

The 7 Stages of Client Relationships

For most firms, quantity and size come before strength and quality when counting clients. We always want more and bigger.  But without core strength or understanding our depth of quality, we know little about what each client relationship can be and how long it may last. Knowing where we stand with clients…
Michael Rynowecer
April 2, 2014