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The Mad Clientist

Your Summertime Double Dog Dare

Ok. Your firm isn’t into the client feedback thing. Or maybe your firm is into it but only conducts a dozen or maybe even a couple of dozen interviews a year. They haven’t gotten to your client just yet or the feedback is more stream of consciousness than feedback. It’s…
Michael Rynowecer
July 22, 2015
The Mad Clientist

How 6 Seconds of Silence Nails New Business

Your client is looking right at you. No words—just deep in thought. You just said something which made you very different from everyone else. Were you provocative? Did you just change your client’s perspective? If you're like most people you may not exactly know. But you do know you seriously…
Michael Rynowecer
July 8, 2015
The Mad Clientist

The Most Recommended Law Firms

Last week we shared why only 33.3% of corporate counsel recommend their primary law firm to a peer—a task they do not take lightly. Recommendations are personal statements about the recommender as much as they are about a law firm’s client service, quality and commitment. With clients always expecting more, law firms…
Michael Rynowecer
June 24, 2015