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The Mad Clientist

The Industry Group Ready to Win the Work

Dateline: June 16, 2017, 10:00 AM EasternGene*, the Retail Industry Chair of a major law firm, asked his partners to put together a list of issues and questions to discuss immediately with clients. “We want to be the first to talk substance with our clients. And this is going to…
Michael Rynowecer
July 12, 2017
The Mad Clientist

Are You Pursuing the Right Clients?

Cracking the code to business development offers significant financial benefits. So why have only a select few—10.8% of all law firms—figured out a marketing and business development strategy to drive faster growth and build bigger relationships than other firms.Jennifer Dezso, BTI Principal, walks through the first marketing & business development…
Michael Rynowecer
June 19, 2017