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law firm pitches

The Mad Clientist

Top Posts of 2024 So Far

Client’s naming the best of client service, brand new law firm rankings, business development’s evolution, what your prospects want, and practice highlights top the most popular Mad Clientist posts of the first half of 2024. Use these to drive growth, retain clients, and improve the culture. Each post still offers…
Michael Rynowecer
June 19, 2024
The Mad Clientist

Clients Embrace Cross-Selling

Clients are up to their eyeballs with new and existing work. They continue to experience surges in needs across a broad range of fronts. They are working with more than 2x more law firms than 3 years ago — and 1/3 don’t know who their relationship partner is. Outside counsel…
Michael Rynowecer
June 7, 2023
The Mad Clientist

Clients Share Litigation Priorities

Clients have more competing litigation priorities than ever. Employment, IP, and Commercial stand out as client’s top litigation concerns. Workforce related issues keep coming up from employees and regulatory agencies. IP is a top concern for the industries benefiting from the pandemic. IP clients have big cases pending or on…
Michael Rynowecer
November 17, 2021
The Mad Clientist

Clients See Uptick in Virtual Pitching Skills

3 out of 4 clients say law firms’ virtual pitches are getting better. Virtual pitching skills will become increasingly important as 44% of clients intend to rely on virtual law firm pitches long after offices reopen. But clients note some virtual pitches improved more than others. It breaks down like…
Michael Rynowecer
November 10, 2021
The Mad Clientist

Law Firms with the Best Pitch

It’s your moment. You are asked to come in and pitch. The typical company will ask 14 law firms to respond to an RFP. Next, they ask 3 to 8 to come in and pitch. Your chance to make your compelling case is here. And, out of these pitches—clients say…
Michael Rynowecer
July 10, 2019