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Breaking: First Signs of Clients Great Resignation Emerge — Law Firms To Be Collateral Damage The Mad Clientist

Breaking: First Signs of Clients Great Resignation Emerge — Law Firms To Be Collateral Damage

Women corporate counsel stood out for being exceptionally satisfied with their jobs last year. No more. Satisfaction plunged over the last 12 months. And job satisfaction for men is no better. This is the first sign of the great resignation among corporate counsel. The numbers look like this: Only 33%…
Michael Rynowecer
November 3, 2021
Law Firms Leading in 7 Areas of Litigation — and How They Win the Work The Mad Clientist

Law Firms Leading in 7 Areas of Litigation — and How They Win the Work

Clients are ramping up spending on outside counsel for litigation. They are tackling the backlog and the new matters. As they face new caseloads and new spending they have new expectations of law firms. They are reevaluating their options for law firms based on: Client service Current experience Responsiveness during…
Michael Rynowecer
October 27, 2021
Clients Name 22 Best of the Best Law Firms in IP Litigation The Mad Clientist

Clients Name 22 Best of the Best Law Firms in IP Litigation

Growth returns to IP Litigation. Clients want law firms who are relentless and comfortable being aggressive. Please congratulate the IP Litigation Powerhouses and Leaders: Powerhouses Alston & Bird Fish & Richardson Foley & Lardner Kirkland & Ellis Paul, Weiss WilmerHale Leaders Barnes & Thornburg Dechert DLA Piper Faruki Finnegan Jones…
Michael Rynowecer
October 26, 2021
Clients Single Out 24 Best of the Best Law Firms in Complex Employment Litigation The Mad Clientist

Clients Single Out 24 Best of the Best Law Firms in Complex Employment Litigation

Spending continues up in employment litigation. Clients continue to brace for a wide swath of litigation both pandemic-related and not. Labor and employment is the dominant concern for corporate counsel and HR executives. Please congratulate the Complex Employment Litigation Powerhouses and Leaders: Powerhouses Jackson Lewis Jones Day Littler Morgan Lewis…
Michael Rynowecer
October 25, 2021