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Business Development

Don’t Be the Only Firm Underfunding Marketing and Business Development The Mad Clientist

Don’t Be the Only Firm Underfunding Marketing and Business Development

In 2005, the legal market was growing at over 10% a year—almost raining business. 2015 growth is just over 1%—yet law firms continue to spend the same relative amount of money to protect and acquire clients.Law firms currently spend 2.6% of firm revenue on marketing and business development.* This is…
Michael Rynowecer
November 4, 2015
New Business for the Taking: Corporate Counsel Shift Work Back to Law Firms The Mad Clientist

New Business for the Taking: Corporate Counsel Shift Work Back to Law Firms

After 4 years of feverishly bringing work in-house corporate counsel are reversing course. BTI’s brand new study of 322 corporate counsel reveals these top decision makers will move $851 million of in-house spending back to law firms this year. This is in direct contrast to the more than $8 billion…
Michael Rynowecer
October 7, 2015
9 Tips to Transform Your Thought Leadership into New Business The Mad Clientist

9 Tips to Transform Your Thought Leadership into New Business

Thought Leadership or Thought LeadershipThe emphasis is the difference between new business and being deleted. Leadership gets you new business and commands higher rates. You are an educator. You are a source of new, original knowledge. Leadership means your clients and potential clients will look for your thoughts—and, best of…
Michael Rynowecer
August 19, 2015
Could it be Low T? The Mad Clientist

Could it be Low T?

Client relationships feeling a little sluggish lately? Losing some of the old vitality they used to have? The conversations, the vibe and the business you’re getting just don’t have the spark or energy they once had. You feel like they’re a shadow of what used to be. Is it Low T?…
Michael Rynowecer
March 25, 2015