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Michael Rynowecer

The Mad Clientist

12 Steps to Charging Whatever You Want

The GC of a global giant shared this gem during a client feedback interview: “I have on my desk right now yet another invoice which will require interpreters and a Sherpa to decipher and see if I should pay.” 80.1%* of clients think like this GC—questioning the value of their…
Michael Rynowecer
March 9, 2016
The Mad Clientist

The Business Development Blind Spot

You may be overlooking the silent race for business few law firms ever see or pursue.Market leaders stay ahead of competitors by sniffing out client pain and removing the sources of discomfort from their clients’ lives on a continuing basis. Your ability to do this before everyone else offers you…
Michael Rynowecer
March 2, 2016
The Mad Clientist

Sensitivity Lessons from Napoleon and Mark Twain

“Give me enough medals and I’ll win you any war.”Napoleon Bonaparte“I can live for two months on a good compliment.”Mark TwainNapoleon makes 3 key points: 1) Give recognition to those who help you get where you want to go; 2) Public recognition is exponentially more powerful than private; 3) Publicly…
Michael Rynowecer
February 17, 2016
The Mad Clientist

Client RFPs Hit 15-Year High

More clients are using more RFPs to hire law firms than any point in the last 15 years.56% of corporate counsel issued RFPs for law firms in 2015, up from 45% in 2014. We now face a majority of clients using RFPs to hire new law firms. The increase is…
Michael Rynowecer
January 27, 2016
The Mad Clientist

The Legal Trends Your Top Clients Face

It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future. ― Yogi BerraThe most accurate part of making predictions is how people can always be counted on to make predictions. People predict the weather, the outcome of stories and, right now, the presidential election—often with heated passion.Predicting future legal markets may seem like…
Michael Rynowecer
January 20, 2016