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LinkedIn sure has grown up. Gone are the days when it is merely a bio. Now, it’s a source of knowledge and offers the most insight into who you are. Which is exactly what clients want — and for mostly new reasons.

8 situations trigger a LinkedIn lookup. Each situation has a different objective — and the best attorneys put together a profile to meet the needs of all:

    1. Your client is thinking of calling you with an idea or something strategic — but hasn’t reached out yet
    2. When they see something you’ve published, piquing their interest
    3. When you charge time to a client who really doesn’t know you are working on their matter and it is large enough to stand out
    4. They see you viewed their profile on LinkedIn
    5. They are scanning for new ideas and attorneys
    6. After a pitch
    7. When they are thinking of hiring you
    8. You are recommended to a top legal decision maker and they haven’t met you yet

LinkedIn is a window into how you might be to work with. Top legal decision makers will look at your profile to see who you are and what you have to say about yourself, your views on topics relevant to them, mutual connections, or just to learn more about you. They are often looking for networking opportunities — with you or others.

Clients like to see new ideas and fresh new thinking. This means posting and adding content to your profile on a regular basis. You don’t have to do the posting yourself — but you are best served by picking the content to ensure potential clients see who you are.

LinkedIn is now a go-to source for clients to discover what you care about. And whatever they learn will impact how they feel about your hiring you, brainstorming with you, watching you as a potential hire down the road — or, as a source of learning.

This isn’t just for new clients. Current clients will check you out because they respect you and want to see what you have to say. In short, almost every top legal decision maker is looking at your LinkedIn profile. We recommend the following steps to create content and make your profile the kind to inspire confidence in your prowess and spark client outreach:

    • Share articles by others with a short comment
    • Share posts by others
    • Develop a habit of commenting on other posts
    • Create your own content — even just a few bullet points about a topic
    • Comment on a firm issued client alert — even 2 insightful sentences can be powerful

LinkedIn tells you who viewed your profile. Take advantage of this feature and check out who visited your profile at least on a weekly basis. You can also see the number of LinkedIn searches you appeared in and other data about where these searchers work. This insight can help you learn who you are reaching now — and if this is truly your target audience.

LinkedIn has joined the ranks as an inbound lead generator — at the attorney and firm level. And you can’t have too many inbound lead-generating tools. Go take 5 minutes and check out the top legal decision makers who found you on LinkedIn this week. You will be surprised and uncover some new leads.


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