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The IP Litigation Outlook The Mad Clientist

The IP Litigation Outlook

Patent trolls are driving a flurry of increased activity, sending a surge of new money into the IP Litigation market. Surges, by definition, are temporary. This will result in slower rates of spending moving forward.You will find the IP litigation opportunities in the Banking, High Tech, Financial Services, and Pharmaceutical…
Michael Rynowecer
September 26, 2016
The Mad Clientist Minute: The Weekly Video to Help You Drive More Business The Mad Clientist

The Mad Clientist Minute: The Weekly Video to Help You Drive More Business

You spoke and we listened. After many requests for short, concise video clips—we are pleased to announce our brand-new video feature: The Mad Clientist Minute. These highly focused weekly videos offer an in-depth look at BTI’s research, experience, data, case studies, and analysis. BTI Principal Jennifer Petrone Dezso and I will…
Michael Rynowecer
September 14, 2016