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Winning Work

The Mad Clientist

The 46 Firms Most Feared in Litigation

Uncertainty and fear are often linked. With uncertainty as the dominant theme — The BTI Fearsome Foursome stand out more than they ever have. Undaunted by the unknown — their innate move is to rely on their resolve. Top legal decision makers single out 46 firms they don’t want to…
Michael Rynowecer
October 5, 2022
The Mad Clientist

Clients Share Litigation Priorities

Clients have more competing litigation priorities than ever. Employment, IP, and Commercial stand out as client’s top litigation concerns. Workforce related issues keep coming up from employees and regulatory agencies. IP is a top concern for the industries benefiting from the pandemic. IP clients have big cases pending or on…
Michael Rynowecer
November 17, 2021
The Mad Clientist

Clients See Uptick in Virtual Pitching Skills

3 out of 4 clients say law firms’ virtual pitches are getting better. Virtual pitching skills will become increasingly important as 44% of clients intend to rely on virtual law firm pitches long after offices reopen. But clients note some virtual pitches improved more than others. It breaks down like…
Michael Rynowecer
November 10, 2021