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Client Relationships

3 Techniques to Build Stronger Client Relationships–Part 2: Setting Client Expectations The Mad Clientist

3 Techniques to Build Stronger Client Relationships–Part 2: Setting Client Expectations

Setting client expectations is all about eliminating surprises for your client. BTI Principal Jennifer Dezso shares 11 prompts for attorneys to use to help set client expectations, AND describe the value they provide, showcase their experience, and keep everyone moving toward meeting the same objectives.You can view the video by…
Michael Rynowecer
November 6, 2017
4 Keys to Winning More Work The Mad Clientist

4 Keys to Winning More Work

Acting as a business advisor sparks conversations and develops relationships before legal issues arise and leads to capturing high-rate legal work from your clients.Your ability to provide your service in the context of the client’s business will most differentiate you in the eyes of clients. Industry dynamics, current events, emerging…
Michael Rynowecer
June 28, 2017