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The Mad Clientist

Rainmakers Kicking Big Time Butt: Increase Their Books 4X Others The Mad Clientist

Rainmakers Kicking Big Time Butt: Increase Their Books 4X Others

A typical rainmaker added just over $1 million to their existing book of business since 2015. This increase is way ahead of any industry growth or other market-based phenomena. And it is 4.5 times bigger than the average partner's increased bookings.UnrelentingThis performance comes from one thing—unrelenting focus on clients. They…
Michael Rynowecer
June 27, 2018
Best of the Best in 5 Branding Factors and 14 Law Firms Boosting Their Already Strong Brand The Mad Clientist

Best of the Best in 5 Branding Factors and 14 Law Firms Boosting Their Already Strong Brand

Only 1 strategy drives a better brand—making a better direct and indirect client experience in the 9 factors driving brand. This means leveraging strength and intentional branding while minimizing unintentional acts of branding.Once law firms reach the BTI Brand Elite 28—it becomes exponentially harder to improve your brand. But 14…
Michael Rynowecer
May 23, 2018