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The Mad Clientist

Best of the Best in 5 Branding Factors and 14 Law Firms Boosting Their Already Strong Brand The Mad Clientist

Best of the Best in 5 Branding Factors and 14 Law Firms Boosting Their Already Strong Brand

Only 1 strategy drives a better brand—making a better direct and indirect client experience in the 9 factors driving brand. This means leveraging strength and intentional branding while minimizing unintentional acts of branding.Once law firms reach the BTI Brand Elite 28—it becomes exponentially harder to improve your brand. But 14…
Michael Rynowecer
May 23, 2018
Clients have 2 big sources of insomnia. Law firms only cause 1. The Mad Clientist

Clients have 2 big sources of insomnia. Law firms only cause 1.

Top legal officers are questioning themselves and their strategies. Something they don’t often do. And it’s keeping them up at night. The decision makers are unnerved by their law firms’ behavior—as they are now relying on their outside counsel more than ever before.Almost 30% of corporate counsel are unnerved because…
Michael Rynowecer
April 25, 2018