Lawyers believe leaders drive culture. And lawyers are more interested in learning about leadership than culture. This is the exact opposite of corporate America — who want to learn about culture about 2x as much as leadership.

It has been this way for 20 years. Google Trends reveals lawyers search for leadership an average of 23% more often than culture. This relationship has been in a steady state for 20 years. It speaks to the unique nature of law firms. It also points to the strategies for success.
Law firm leaders tell us the primary reasons for the outsized focus on leadership over culture include:
- Especially large clients need a team with its own culture to match the client — the leader will set the tone
- Clients are facing million to billion-dollar risks — and demanding strong leaders to help guide them
- Each practice demands a different culture — the right leader will build the right culture for the right practice
- Business departments have nuanced cultures to support the practices and leadership — the leaders know this
- Dramatic growth creates the need for more leaders
- Law attracts driven high performers who see themselves as moving into leadership positions
- Law firms face more short-term, immediate opportunities than corporations, and regulations and court decisions can come almost out of nowhere quickly
- Law firm decisions, investments and initiatives are putting tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars at risk — demanding more leadership skills
- Leaders shape culture in law firms
Success for an organization built on a collection of smart, driven people requires a delicate balance between leadership and culture. While the emphasis on leadership has prevailed for decades, successful firms recognize that strong leaders are the architects of effective cultures.
The future belongs to those who can seamlessly integrate leadership development with cultural awareness, turning this apparent dichotomy into a powerful catalyst for success. Firms mastering this alchemy will thrive.
Best in the market ahead.
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