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The Mad Clientist

Insight is to Primary as Creativity is to Secondary

The Oxford English Dictionary defines insight as understanding “the inner character or hidden nature of things; a glimpse or view beneath the surface.” This ability to see beyond the surface and truly understand what your client needs separates the primary provider from a secondary provider, bringing with it the opportunity…
Michael Rynowecer
July 31, 2013
The Mad Clientist

Corporate Counsel Shift $5.8 Billion In-House

Unlike Ben Bernanke, corporate legal departments are taking dollars out of the system. Corporate counsel shifted $5.8 billion from their outside counsel budget to internal spending—the equivalent of keeping 2 Latham & Watkins’ in-house. The shift drives a paltry projected 2013 growth of 1.8% in outside counsel spending instead of…
Michael Rynowecer
June 20, 2013