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The 18 Law Firms with the Strongest Client Relationships in Financial Services The Mad Clientist

The 18 Law Firms with the Strongest Client Relationships in Financial Services

Like its cousin the Banking industry, Financial Services organizations are besieged by regulation and government scrutiny. The industry has a 4-pronged balancing act of compliance, new product development, a backlog of litigation, and new regulators looking to protect consumers.Financial Services clients use many law firms due to their diversity of…
Michael Rynowecer
July 12, 2016
17 Law Firms with the Strongest Client Relationships in the Energy Industry The Mad Clientist

17 Law Firms with the Strongest Client Relationships in the Energy Industry

Energy companies are navigating choppy waters and they continue to adjust to lower prices and economic shifts. The sustained lower pricing has played havoc with everything from supply contracts, exportation, project finance, mergers and acquisitions, and regulatory affairs. This makes law firm relationships invaluable as energy companies reposition themselves for…
Michael Rynowecer
July 11, 2016
The BTI Clientopia 24—Clients Name the Law Firms with the Best Client Relationships The Mad Clientist

The BTI Clientopia 24—Clients Name the Law Firms with the Best Client Relationships

At the end of the day this business is about relationships. The more relationships the better. The bigger the better. No matter what your size or scope—you can’t have too many relationships. The secret sauce behind the best relationships combines the best client service with the best business development skills.…
Michael Rynowecer
June 29, 2016