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Michael Rynowecer

The Mad Clientist

The 8 Habits of Highly Profitable Law Firms

Everyone loves profits. Everyone loves to talk about profits per partner. We will restrain ourselves and not talk about the value of profits per partner as a metric, as hard as it is. Instead, let’s focus on how people stare endlessly at the eye-popping numbers of the top reported firms.…
Michael Rynowecer
September 16, 2015
The Mad Clientist

Your Law Firm Is Leaking Clients

The biggest expense for a water utility is leakage. Water seeps out of the connections and valves consuming all the energy and labor costs along the way until disappearing into the ground. The same can be said for law firms and their clients.Yesterday’s large client can disappear, vanish, fade away.…
Michael Rynowecer
August 26, 2015
The Mad Clientist

Your Summertime Double Dog Dare

Ok. Your firm isn’t into the client feedback thing. Or maybe your firm is into it but only conducts a dozen or maybe even a couple of dozen interviews a year. They haven’t gotten to your client just yet or the feedback is more stream of consciousness than feedback. It’s…
Michael Rynowecer
July 22, 2015