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The Mad Clientist

Outtakes from the Client Service Laboratory

By July 17, 2013April 16th, 2020No Comments

Truth is indeed stranger than fiction—and The Mad Clientist has come across some interesting truths in his many years of research. A few gems for your enjoyment:

  1. A partner in an AmLaw 50 law firm conducted a client feedback interview with a large client. This same partner sent a single, separate invoice for the time for the interview—$1,042—clearly labeled as such.
  2. “I received a call from someone (one of my attorneys) who asked me if I wanted them to do something for me. I said, ‘No’ and they billed me $400 for the phone call.”
    –General Counsel, Fortune 1000 Retailer
  3. A global financial services firm asked their primary law firm ($22 million in annual billings) for a succession plan for the lead partner who announced retirement a year in advance. The law firm selected a new partner (we’ll call him Richard) and proceeded to transition the partner into the relationship. After about 7 months, the client suggested while Richard was a brilliant lawyer, he was not the person to lead the relationship saying, “Richard was a bit too hard to communicate with.” The law firm formed a special committee to find the right partner. The law firm committee decided Richard was in fact the right partner for the client—and informed the client of their search throughout the firm and conclusion to keep Richard as the relationship partner.
    –General Counsel, Global Financial Services Giant

Clearly none of these are up for nomination to
The BTI Client Service All-Stars. Have you heard of any egregious acts of client service lately? Comment below and we’ll feature the best (and worst) in an upcoming post.

And check back next week to learn your clients’ definition of superior client service.


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