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Clients crave insight into their chosen law firms like never before. Enter LinkedIn law firm pages, serving up everything they desire or, at the very least, a tantalizing peek. The outcome? A two-year upswing in law firm followers on LinkedIn that’s nothing short of revealing.

Enter BTI’s three-year odyssey — meticulously mining and dissecting data from over 200 law firm LinkedIn pages. Our goal? Calculating these firms’ performance across 18 diverse metrics to unearth the trends, insights, and drivers propelling law firm success.

Here’s what we’ve uncovered — a masterclass in trends that can propel any law firm forward in this evolving client landscape.

1. 20% follower growth for law firms for the 2nd year in a row

One of the last cohorts to adopt LinkedIn, corporate counsel are now joining in droves.

2. Am Law 2nd 100 firms out engaging all others

This group shows more precision in producing compelling content to generate engagement, including legal issues and firm news.

3. Followings show little relationship to active engagement

Gaining followers is a form of engagement — but followers aren’t the final frontier —engagement reigns supreme. It’s about sparking discussions, igniting likes, shares, and reposts for creating enduring digital and analog relationships.

4. The Holy Grail for learning about law firms for corporate counsel (and laterals)

All the insights in one place – outside the stiff formality of a website — and much easier to digest. Readers gain a more insightful understanding of law firms through LinkedIn pages compared to traditional websites. This trend will lead to LinkedIn’s potential to outperform law firm websites in creating perception and creating inbound leads.

5. Partners rarely outwardly supportive

Few partners actively support firm posts and activities — missing a major source of substantial outreach.

6. Posting drives engagement

The more you post — even repurposed content — the more likely your firm will generate active engagement.

Law firms that adopt these leading strategies early on stand to gain a significant advantage. Clients are just beginning to identify firms they want to follow and engage with. These preliminary stages offer law firms the opportunity to set the benchmark for others to meet — and gain the most engagement.

Only one source offers law firms with detailed insights into exactly where they stand across key metrics, including:

    • LinkedIn Followers
    • LinkedIn Followers per Partner
    • Active Engagement Percentage Rates
    • Engagement Touchpoints and Activities
    • Engagement Touchpoints and Activities per Partner
    • Monthly Posting Cadence

The BTI Benchmarking Law Firm LinkedIn Performance 2023: Unleash the Power of LinkedIn is the only source for this data, the most successful strategies — and the secret sauce to getting attorneys to support and engage with the firm site. Jump ahead of the curve.

Best in the market ahead –

The Mad Clientist

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