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Law Firm Brands

The Mad Clientist

Law Firms with the Best Pitch

It’s your moment. You are asked to come in and pitch. The typical company will ask 14 law firms to respond to an RFP. Next, they ask 3 to 8 to come in and pitch. Your chance to make your compelling case is here. And, out of these pitches—clients say…
Michael Rynowecer
July 10, 2019
The Mad Clientist

Clients Say Tech Savvy Harder to Find

Law firms able to earn the tech-savvy distinction dropped 9.2% from last year, with 109 firms making the cut this year. This down from 200 law firms in 2017. Clients tell us, like the Movers & Shakers, law firms are looking the same—making it harder than prior years to leave…
Michael Rynowecer
May 21, 2019