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Class Actions

Class ActionsShares Client PhilosophyWomen

E. Crystal Lopez

Crystal focuses her practice on class action defense, with an emphasis on consumer fraud, data privacy, marketing, accessibility, technology and compliance issues. Crystal has extensive experience successfully defending against class action claims brought under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Title II, III and state…
December 9, 2021
Class ActionsMVPs

Andrew S. Tulumello

Andrew (Drew) Tulumello is a member of the Firm's Litigation Department, the Appellate and Constitutional Law Practice Group, the Securities Litigation Practice Group, and the Sports Law Practice Group.
December 9, 2021
Class ActionsMass TortsProduct LiabilityWomen

Amy K. Fisher

Global brands rely on Amy Fisher's deep understanding of multidistrict litigation to successfully guide them through high-stakes product liability matters. Amy concentrates her practice on the defense of complex, multidistrict litigation for pharmaceutical, medical device, and cosmetic manufacturers in federal and state courts. She oversees national litigations involving mass tort…
December 9, 2021