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John N. Estes III Energy & Natural Resources

John N. Estes III

Mr. Estes has defended many of the FERC enforcement cases involving electric and natural gas market manipulation allegations that have become public, including representing Barclays Bank PLC, JP Morgan Ventures Energy Corp., DB Energy Trading, LLC, Rumford Paper Company, Dr. Alan Chen and GreenHat. Two of these cases are among…
December 9, 2021
Warren A. Estis Litigation

Warren A. Estis

Thinking outside, inside and around the box is something Warren Estis does exceptionally well. His expertise in litigation, combined with a deep understanding of transactions and leasing, has given Mr. Estis unique insight into these areas. He is able to approach complex situations from both the legal and business points…
December 9, 2021
David A. Ettinger HealthcareM&A

David A. Ettinger

David Ettinger has led Honigman's Antitrust and Trade Regulation practice for more than 35 years. He has litigated antitrust cases and represented clients in antitrust matters in a wide variety of industries in more than 30 states. David is to our knowledge the only antitrust lawyer in America to have…
December 9, 2021
Gale G. Evans MVPsReal Estate TransactionsShares Client PhilosophyWomen

Gale G. Evans

Gale invests in learning and understanding her clients' business objectives and particular risk sensitivities. She uses her analytical skills and experience to craft creative solutions to achieve their goals. Gale has extensive knowledge in managing high-volume deal flow, and brings a pragmatic approach that marries traditional methods of legal service…
February 7, 2022
Christopher Ewan M&A

Christopher Ewan

Christopher Ewan is a corporate partner resident in Fried Frank's New York office. He joined the Firm in 1994 and became partner in 2000. Mr. Ewan concentrates his practice in private equity transactions and mergers and acquisitions representing private equity firms and public and private corporations.
December 9, 2021
Ndubisi Ezeolu Business LitigationShares Client Philosophy

Ndubisi Ezeolu

Ndubisi Ezeolu is an experienced litigator who focuses his practice on representing and advising businesses, municipalities and public entities in trial and appellate courts and before government agencies. Bisi has considerable experience representing and advising companies and their executives on a broad range of employment law issues involving alleged discrimination,…
December 9, 2021