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Mike Cramer advises employers ranging from small non-profits to Fortune 500 companies on a variety of labor and employment-related legal matters, leads workplace investigations, and conducts learning sessions for attorneys, executives, HR professionals, and entire workforces. Mike also represents employers in employment-related litigation.


Michael H. Cramer

Ogletree Deakins
Chicago, IL

Practice Area: Labor & Employment



"Mike is a top-notch employment litigation attorney: both smart and strategic."


"I have the pleasure of working with clients of all shapes and sizes – small non-profits helping their communities, disruptive tech startups, global manufacturers making household-name products. Industries, missions and styles vary, but one thing these varied entities all have in common is people. My colleagues and I are fortunate to get to use Ogletree's tremendous Knowledge Management resources and amazing subject matter authorities to effectively help people -- people striving to comply with ever-changing workplace laws while running successful businesses."

– Michael H. Cramer


Mike Cramer advises employers ranging from small non-profits to Fortune 500 companies on a variety of labor and employment-related legal matters, leads workplace investigations, and conducts learning sessions for attorneys, executives, HR professionals, and entire workforces. Mike also represents employers in employment-related litigation.

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Michael H. Cramer

Ogletree Deakins
Chicago, IL

Practice Area: Labor & Employment

M&A All-Star


Mike Cramer advises employers ranging from small non-profits to Fortune 500 companies on a variety of labor and employment-related legal matters, leads workplace investigations, and conducts learning sessions for attorneys, executives, HR professionals, and entire workforces. Mike also represents employers in employment-related litigation.

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